De Nederlandse versie vindt je hier.
Once a Scout, always a Scout. When I was young, I was a cubscout and boyscout, but left Scouting when I was 12yo-ish. In 2012 my son (then a boyscout) asked me if I wanted to be his scoutleader, since his current leaders were more into games than into Scouting techniques. So I became an active Scout again. 😀
My Scouting resumé
Sometimes people ask me what I do in Scouting, the answer can take some time.... 🤣 So, I listed below what I did/do in Scouting, sorted by starting year:
- 2012-2018: Leader/teamleader Scouts at Scouting van Maasdijk Heerenveen
- 2012: running JOTA station at Scouting van Maasdijk, PC5E/J
- 2013-now: member and from 2016 on chairman of the Friese Regionaal EHV Team, a first aid Scouting group
- 2013-2015: co-author of the Dutch Scouts Pocketbook at our NSO Scouting Nederland
- 2014: running JOTA station at Scouting van Maasdijk, PC5E/J
- 2016: running JOTA station at Scouting van Maasdijk, PC5E/J
- 2016-now: member and from 2021 on coördinator of the Speladviesteam, a national team advising national Scouting events on the Scouting Method
- 2016-2018: development mentor at Scouting van Maasdijk Heerenveen
- 2016: presenting workshops at the regional Scout Out event
- 2017: running JOTA station at Scouting van Swietengroep Diever, PE1PDX/J
- 2017: presenting workshops at the national Scout-In event
- 2018: running JOTA station at Scouting Polaris Heerenveen and Scouting de Drones Drachten, PC5E/J
- 2018-2019: IST at the 2019 World Scout Jamboree, assisting Dutch troops before and member of the NA1WJ JOTA staff at the WSJ
- 2018-2024: coördinator at the HIT (Hikes, Interesse en Trapperskampen) national yearly event, location Heerenveen
- 2018: dispatcher first aid and security at the Roverway international camp and Nawaka seascouts national camp, both consecutive and at the same location in the Netherlands
- 2018-now: founding member, development mentor, board member and until 2020 teamleader Scouts at Scouting Polaris Heerenveen
- 2019: running JOTA station at Scouting Polaris Heerenveen, PC5E/J
- 2019: presenting workshops at the national Scout-In event
- 2019-2020: IST for the 2020 European Jamboree (which was cancelled due to Covid...)
- 2021: member of the projectteam Blended Learning at Scouting Nederland
- 2021-2023: IST at the 2023 World Scout Jamboree in South Korea, assisting Dutch troops/IST before and member of the 6K25WSJ JOTA staff at the WSJ
- 2022: head of on-site activities at the international Intercamp camp in France
- 2022: running the JOTA activity as PC22NWK at the Nawaka seascouts national camp
- 2022: running JOTA station at Scouting Jambowa, Bolsward, PC5E
- 2022-2024: member of the projectteam Scouting Academy 2.0 at Scouting Nederland
- 2023: subcamp chief at the international Intercamp camp in Germany
- 2023-now: development mentor and assessor for the (national) Scouting Method qualification at Scouting Nederland
- 2023-2024: patrol mentor for patrol Kjeshode for, and IST at, the 2024 international Roverway camp in Norway
- 2023-now: member of the projectteam Merit Badges 2.0 at Scouting Nederland
- 2023: running JOTA station at Scouting Polaris Heerenveen, PC5E/J
- 2023: attended the World Scout Education Congres in Paris on behalve of Scouting Nederland
- 2024: IST for On-site Programme at the international Intercamp camp in Poland
- 2024: presenting workshops at the regional Scout Out event
- 2024: running JOTA station at Scouting Andromeda Franeker, PC5E/
- 2024-now: on-demand coaching of regional Scouting group administrators on the Dutch Scouting Method for Scouting Fryslân
- 2024-2025: IST for the World Scout Moot in Portugal
- 2025: head of Tracks (workshop programme) at the national educational weekend event Scout In for Scouting Nederland
- 2025: head of comms at the international Interjamboree camp in the Netherlands
- 2025-2027: member of the volunteer pool of the World Organization of Scout Movement (WOSM)
- 2025-now: coordinator regional Scouting activities and board member for Scouting Fryslân
Lots of small things, like giving workshops related to roles above, are omitted. Then I can better just post my calendar here. 🤡 And although it seems that I barely have time to sleep, not all current roles take up huge amounts of time. Most only to that in short burst, so I can work 40h/week and have time to sleep. 🤣
In the future I hope to be IST at the 2027 World Scout Jamboree in Poland. No better way to spend your summer vacation than camping with 1000+ other Scouts. 🥰
Jamboree on the Air
I am a scout and a HAM Radio operator, callsigns PC5E and WC5E. So I regularly am part of an international JOTA station, as you could read above. You can check out my PC5E HAM Radio site if you want to know more about my HAM Radio hobby.
At Scouting Nederland we have an extensive set of qualifications, of which I hold (from left to right):
- qualified leader (beavers/cubs/scouts)
- qualified teamleader (beavers/cubs/scouts)
- camping qualification (scouts/explorers)
- qualified development mentor
- qualified instructor (level 1 trainer)
- qualified sailor level 3 (CWO 3, external qualification)
- qualified First Aider, including CPR/AED and First Aid for children (external qualification by Orange Cross)
- qualified HAM Radio operator CEPT Full (external qualification
- qualified Scouting Method specialist (no qualification badge yet)
- qualified Marcom A (maritime General Operator Certificate, external qualification) (no qualification badge)
Wood badge is not a qualification you get by doing all applicable trainings, but you receive wood badge after doing a personal Gilwell coaching course. Since I did a couple similar ones in my working life, I still did not do the Gilwell course. Hmmm.... 😏
Awards and appreciations
On 10th of October 2020 I was awarded the badge of appreciation for special merit by Scouting Nederland. This award is intended for volunteers who have made an above-average contribution to Scouting Nederland for a short period of time, for example by supporting a national, regional or local project. It came with a medal, I could wear on special occasions... The badge I wear on my uniform, the medal I keep in my Scouting collection.
On the 11th of January 2025 I was awarded the Gouden Oehoe (Golden Eagle Owl) by Scouting Nederland and Scouting Polaris (they requested this both at the same time and combined their request). This appreciation sign was awarded for making an above-average contribution to improving the quality of the Scouting method, coaching other volunteers and supporting/administrating a part of the Scouting organization. It came with a medal, I could wear on special occasions... The badge I wear on my uniform, the medal I keep in my Scouting collection.
These awards are part of an extensive appreciation system of Scouting Nederland.
My scarf collection
On the wall of my livingroom I have a part of my scarf collection on display.
It contains neckers from most recent Scouting groups I am a member of and events I attended. Scouting Polaris, Scouting FRET, 2x WSJ, Roverway, Intercamp, Nawaka, Radio Scouting and more. After receiving additional neckers the collection on display will change.