Pagina in het Engels, omdat de meeste belangstelling hiervoor van buitenlandse scouts komt.
Once a Scout, always a Scout. When I was young, I was a cubscout and boyscout, but left Scouting when I was 12yo-ish. In 2012 my son (then a boyscout) asked me if I wanted to be his scoutleader, since his current leaders were more into games than into Scouting techniques. So I became a Scout again. 😀
My Scouting resumé
Sometimes people ask me what I do in Scouting, the answer can take some time.... 🤣 So, I listed below what I did/do in Scouting:
- 2012-2018: Leader/teamleader Scouts at Scouting van Maasdijk Heerenveen
- 2013-now: member and from 2016 on chairman of the Friese Regionaal EHV Team, a first aid Scouting group
- 2013-2015: co-author of the Dutch Scouts Pocketbook at our NSO Scouting Nederland
- 2016-now: member and from 2021 on chairman of the Speladviesteam, a national team advising national Scouting events on the Scouting Method
- 2016-2018: development mentor at Scouting van Maasdijk Heerenveen
- 2017: presenting workshops at the national Scout-In event
- 2018-2019: IST at the 2019 World Scout Jamboree, assisting Dutch troops before and member of the NA1WJ JOTA staff at the WSJ
- 2018-now: coördinator at the HIT (Hikes, Interesse en Trapperskampen) national event, location Heerenveen
- 2018: dispatcher first aid and security at the Roverway international camp and Nawaka seascouts national camp, both consecutive and at the same location in the Netherlands
- 2018-now: founding member, development mentor, board member and until 2020 teamleader Scouts at Scouting Polaris Heerenveen
- 2019: presenting workshops at the national Scout-In event
- 2019-2020: IST for the 2020 European Jamboree (which was cancelled due to Covid)
- 2021: member of the projectteam Blended Learning at Scouting Nederland
- 2021-2023: IST at the 2023 World Scout Jamboree in South Korea, assisting Dutch troops/IST before and member of the 6K25WSJ JOTA staff at the WSJ
- 2022: head of on-site activities at the international Intercamp camp in France
- 2022: running the JOTA activity as PC22NWK at the Nawaka seascouts national camp
- 2022-now: member of the projectteam Scouting Academy 2.0 at Scouting Nederland
- 2023: subcamp chief at the international Intercamp camp in Germany
- 2023-now: development mentor and assessor for the (national) Scouting Method merit badge at Scouting Nederland
- 2023-now: patrol mentor for patrol Kjeshode for, and IST at, the 2024 international Roverway camp in Norway
- 2023-now: member of the projectteam Merit Badges 2.0 at Scouting Nederland
- 2024: IST for On-site Programme at the international Intercamp camp in Poland
- 2024: presenting workshops at the regional Scout Out event
Lots of small things, like giving workshops related to roles above, are omitted. Then I can better just post my calendar here. 🤡
In the future I hope to be IST at the 2027 World Scout Jamboree in Poland. No better way to spend your summer vacation than camping with 1000+ other Scouts. 🥰
Jamboree on the Air
I am a scout and a HAM Radio operator, callsigns PC5E and WC5E. So I regularly am part of an international JOTA station, as you could read above. You can check out my PC5E HAM Radio site if you want to know all JOTA stations I participated in.
At Scouting Nederland we have an extensive set of qualifications, of which I hold:
- qualified leader (beavers/cubs/scouts)
- qualified teamleader (beavers/cubs/scouts)
- camping qualification (scouts/explorers)
- qualified development mentor
- qualified instructor (level 1 trainer)
- qualified Scouting Method specialist
- qualified sailor level 3 (CWO 3, external qualification)
- qualified First Aider, including AED and First Aid for children (external qualification by Orange Cross)
- qualified HAM Radio operator Full (external qualification)
- qualified Marcom A (maritime General Operator Certificate, external qualification)
Wood badge is not a qualification you get by doing all applicable trainings, but you receive wood badge after doing a personal Gilwell coaching course. Since I did a couple similar ones in my working life, I still did not do the Gilwell course. Hmmm.... 😏
Part of my Scouting scarf/necker collection, hanging on the wall in my livingroom. It contains neckers from most recent Scouting groups I am a member of and events I attended. Scouting Polaris, Scouting FRET, 2x WSJ, Roverway, Intercamp, Nawaka, Radio Scouting and more.